The Issue


Global road traffic deaths number over 1.2 million annually, with another 50 million seriously injured. Road accidents are the leading cause of death for people aged between 15 and 44, with lower income countries being particularly affected. The recent European Truck Accident Causation Study found that:

Accidents involving commercial vehicles are caused by human error in 80-90% of cases.

Our expertise in psychometrics and extensive knowledge of the logistics industry is helping ensure that potential new employees are suitable before driver training starts. Road safety is one of the greatest development challenges this century. There is new global consensus to reduce accidents, with the UN’s Decade of Action for Road Safety and Agenda for Sustainable Development aiming to halve deaths and injuries by 2020.

Our Solution: Aptitude Testing for Drivers


Our goal for introducing AptiDrive to the road transport and logistic industries is to reduce the number of deaths and serious accidents on our roads. We want to ensure that all drivers of large vehicles and who travel long distances are safe on the roads. Our testing is designed to evaluate a person’s ability to concentrate and focus for long periods of time.

Our expertise in psychometrics and extensive knowledge of the logistics industry is helping ensure that potential new employees are suitable before driver training starts. Costs for training professional drivers are high and there is often a large drop-out and failure rate during the training scheme.

For a small fractional cost of the new driver training programme, we can provide high quality reliable data on the suitability of these individuals to become high quality professional drivers.

We test candidate’s abilities in areas such as awareness, co-ordination and concentration to match their suitability for making safe long haul journeys. The results are a workforce of better drivers with fewer accidents on the roads.

We are in the business of saving lives and reducing the risks to businesses of having to pay out compensation.

By using our system you can keep your staff, fleet and the general public safe.

Our services help employers test a potential new drivers suitability for a career as a professional driver. Our approach reduces costs for employers and reduces the risk of drivers incurring accidents.

As experts in the field of psychometrics and the logistics industries we are well placed to help ensure your employment decisions are the right ones. Benefits seen by employers are both immediate and longer term:

Whether you are recruiting a thousand new drivers a year or looking for the perfect fit for your executive team, AptiDrive is here to assist.

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